Manila, Philipipnes. A 21-year-old working student,Joshua Basa, was stopped by a cop in a quarantine checkpoint while driving his motorcycle, and instead of a violation ticket he received a $100 bill.
Basa, a fourth-year Aviation Management Information System student and a part-time food delivery driver as well, shared his encounter on Saturday with policeman SirJon Tibay Nacino, who was deployed at a checkpoint along España Boulevard in Manila.
He was supposed to pick up food in Sta. Mesa for delivery when he passed through the checkpoint. “I was flagged by a policeman who thought I am trying to cut the line. That was not my intention. I just thought I could have my motorcycle inspected in that lane),” he said in his post.
Basa said the policeman reprimanded him until he explained he is a working student trying to make ends meet, he said. The cop asked how he could have afforded to buy a motorcycle if that was the case. In response, Basa said he needed the motorcycle to go from his house in Tondo to his school in Pasay City and that he also used it for transportation in his previous job at a restaurant.
When I said that, I cried. Before it happened, my day wasn’t really well because of what I have experienced in my deliveries earlier. I was really down the whole day. Then he said something and took his wallet and I thought he was going to issue a violation ticket.
But instead of a ticket for the violation, Nacino instead handed him a $100 bill. He said he initially refused to receive the money but Nacino insisted that he receive it. Just take it. That’s my help to you. I want you to finish school. Make that promise to me.
A few days later, an anonymous donor surprises the cop and gave Php100,000 because of his good deed, the cop was so happy as he will also be a dad soon and it the money he received will be used in her wife’s pregnancy.
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