Hong Kong Supermarkets Commonly Sell Endangered European Eels

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The European eel (Anguilla Anguilla) is under threat due to overexploitation due to the increase demand from Asia, particularly in China and Japan, where it is considered a delicacy and aphrodisiac.

An endangered eel has become a symbol in the global fight against the illegal wildlife trade. And Hong Kong consumers has a big role on its extinction.

Almost 50 per cent of European eel products was found on supermarket and convenience store shelves in Hong Kong

A University of Hong Kong (HKU) study that was released last month found that European eel was being commonly sold in the city, raising concerns about the enforcement of Cites regulations.

Based on DNA testing and published in Science Advances, the study found that almost half (45 per cent) of retail eel products – ranging from fillets to snack items from supermarkets and convenience stores across all districts – were derived from the critically endangered species. The products were labelled only as “eel”.

Source: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/food-drink/article/3081913/one-worlds-biggest-wildlife-crimes-glass-eel-smuggling-and-how?utm_content=article&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1hAYWayx-PDsaXSv_mJvFoh5F4nTqI3uTjq5PHAzfwHKGmlAZvZRaTKmw#Echobox=1588143442

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