Like the rest of the world, social distancing and home quarantine has been the norm for days, weeks if not months due to the COVID-19 virus plaguing the world. But what can you do when Sunday service gatherings have been prohibited too? Should this stop us from worshipping corporately and hear the word? No it shouldn’t!
We live in the digital age of online classes, video conferences, seminars, short form mobile videos known as Tik Tok a.k.a online public humiliation, and everything else in between within the click of our fingertips and in the comforts of our home or just about anywhere and so why not the church service?! Just like ChurcHome lead by Pastor Judah Smith, thousands of churches have taken the church experience remotely, thanks to Justine Bieber for hosting this March 22, Sunday Church service!
Justine wrote on his instagram, “By no means do you need to believe in what I believe but know you’re loved and more than welcome to join me as I watch church today!” as an invitation to his 130 million Instagram followers.
Pastor Smith opened up the remote service by explaining the Gospel message of Christ to 50,000+ people tuning in and in his opening prayer even asked God(And I would totally give a BIG BIG Amen to..) “God help me to be kind to my kids at home whom I’m stuck with forever and ever, Amen.” (Can I hear a big Amen!?)
2 Timothy was the topic Pastor Smith discussed. He pointed out 3 areas in which Jesus is enough: salvation, satisfaction and security. He challenged the viewers to ask themselves who do they believe. He pointed that the apostle Paul’s confidence and hope comes from his understanding of whom he believed(the person of Jesus Christ) and who he was and became was because of him. In closing, he asked and prayed for everyone to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.
After worship time, Justine wrapped up the Sunday service by saying, “Hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I did … If you guys watched that and you don’t believe in the story of Jesus or whatever it may be, super OK. Everyone’s on their own journey, their own faith journey.”